

'Tap & Shop for Everything including Animals'

Free Resources

Marie is sharing her own resources and hopes that they are useful to you and also a Free EFT Tapping Chart below from her association EFT International.

The Surrogate Tapping Aid is available to Download here.

This Surrogate Tapping Aid Download is a great little resource Marie developed years ago to help people who found it difficult

to know what to say, how to say it and what to do with their own animals when using EFT and surrogate work.

Surrogate work with animals often worries people and yet it works equally as well as normal -in fact

some would say better.

It is an easy guide that gives you a step by step follow through procedure for you and your animal


You can use a photo of the animal if available.

NB: Additionally you can easily adapt this download for people.




The CASTaway Technique.

This is a very powerful technique which can be used for yourself and with clients.

A Calm And Soothing Technique which is an aid - memoir for the points in CASTaway.                                                  

Calm                = Collar Bone

And                  = Arm Points

Soothing           = Sore Points

Technique         = Thymus

Marie developed this many years ago and it includes some other points on the chest area.

It has multi benefits that can be experienced if a client has mini reversal switches whist tapping, for example.             

Its a technique used by Marie often in tapping and due to its efficacy, she teaches her students it along with the

required EFT International syllabus.

It is powerful when used with continuous tapping in this area for some time and incorporates the Collar Bone, Arm

point, Sore Point and Thymus.

You can Download the Castaway Technique here.

And a Castaway Tapping Points diagram here.

Palace of Possibilities Limiting Beliefs Handout.

This is a useful resource for Trainers and Practitioners.

Trainers are welcome to use this in conjunction with the accompanying Palace of Possibilities Handout below for their training session.

Additionally Practitioners may wish to use this for clients.

This handout is a simple sheet where a person writes down a list of any limiting beliefs around their Palace of Possibility Affirmation.

The limiting beliefs can then simply be eliminated with EFT.

Download Limiting Beliefs Handout here.


Palace of Possibilities Affirmation Handout.

This A4 handout accompanies the Limiting Beliefs Handout above.                                                                                               

It is a simple formula to eliminate beliefs with the limiting beliefs handout and creating an affirmation.          

The two handouts work in conjunction with each other.

Affirmation statements are used here and written on this sheet as to the desired positive affirmation outcome.

If any limiting beliefs or 'tailenders' come up they can be written down on the POP limiting beliefs sheet above

to eliminate by tapping.

Download POP Affirmation Handout here.



FREE TAPPING CHART GUIDE download here from EFT International Association.
