

'Tap & Shop for Everything including Animals'

Learn Animal Communication with Dowsing

Animal Communication Course

Join Marie's Animal Communication Courses where you can learn to communicate by dowsing with a pendulum including one to one tuition with Marie at affordable prices. Or you are welcome to purchase the books without tuition. Marie is self taught in dowsing and animal communication for over 10 years and has learned much on the way that she loves to share with everyone. And if you prefer to learn dowsing for yourself then check out Marie's page here.

You can truly learn what your animal is thinking and talk to them in this way with dowsing!

It changes your world as you know it!

Marie has spent many months designing this personal individualised Course with your learning and development in mind. Being a trainer professionally she is fully aware that Home study with practice, one to one personalised tuition and ongoing support is the absolute best she can offer anyone to help them develop their own skills.Everyone is at different levels of learning and skills based so need varying hours.

And if you are interested in Dowsing for yourself firstly, Marie can teach you from whatever level you are at from new to basic etc. More information here.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Basic introduction to learning the pendulum and communicating with animals including Ebooks for home study/practice and 1.30 hr with One to One tuition/support via Skype (or Zoom) and subjects or learning area of your choice £75.00  Full details about tutorials & ebooks below


  • Intermediate.As above including books and a total of 3 hours (normally 2 x 1.30 hr sessions) One to One tuition/support via Skype (or Zoom) with subjects or learning area of your choice £135.00 including working with 'live' demonstrations or 'shadowing' and checking your results with feedback from Marie. Help, advice, support where you need it. Full details about tutorials & ebooks below


  • Advanced. As all of above above Intermediate including books and a total of 6 hours (normally 4 x 1.30 hr sessions) and One to One tuition/support via Skype (or Zoom) with subjects or learning area of your choice £250.00 including working with 'live' demonstrations or 'shadowing' and checking your results with feedback from Marie. Help, advice, support where you need it. Full details about tutorials & ebooks below.


  • VIP 'personalised' plan for that time to guide you and a Certificate of Completion on successful completion of a multi choice exam including 4 case studies with feedback and 12 CPD worthy (6 hrs + 6 hrs case studies/exam CPDs). £350.00


  • OR Buy Books separately @ £ 27.00


  1. Tutorials which are personalised and individual one to one sessions by Skype (or Zoom). These sessions can be used exactly for what You want. For example:
  • You may have never used a pendulum and want more tuition and help
  • You have used a pendulum but can´t communicate with your pet
  • You are finding some difficulties with the Question techniques and need more support
  • You want to work with an animal `live´ in the session such as your own pet, a friends pet or we can arrange a volunteer pet.
  • You may want to initially `shadow´ Marie and let her communicate
  • Or you may want to try for yourself and have Marie´s support during a session
  • Or you may want to combine the two by shadowing Marie with an animal and  also try for yourself
  • Anything within the course that You want to learn then that is what we will do!
  • So use your Skype (or Zoom) One to One with Marie as your own personal expert tutor to support you where and when you  need it.

​2. Two Ebook Study Guides.Two Ebook downloads for home study which you can refer back to anytime. These Ebooks are comprehensive and illustrated    mainly with Marie´s own photographs 

Study Guide 1 Learning how to use a Pendulum (a comprehensive 32 pages illustrated book)

  1. What is a pendulum and how do I choose one?
  2. How does a pendulum work?
  3. Preparing your pendulum
  4. Before I use my pendulum
  5. How do I hold my pendulum?
  6. How do I interpret a Yes and No response? Important tips and Exercises                                     
  7. If it doesn´t seem to be working?
  8. What can you use a pendulum for?
  9. Can I use the pendulum techniques for all animals?
  10. How do I use my pendulum with animals?
  11. ¨Let go ...
  12. Can I use a pendulum for myself?
  13. Practice and confidence
  14. Step by step procedure
  15. About Marie
  16. `The Experience
  17. Disclaimer including Healing and the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966

Study Guide 2 Comprehensive Questioning Skills Techniques for Animals and Case Studies ( 36 pages ) Including 50 examples of closed questions and a Bonus 60 Questions for a missing pet, lots of scripted case studies to follow with flowcharts.

  • Why are Questions so important                                                         
  • Examples of open and closed questions
  • Open and closed questions
  • 50 Examples of closed questions for use with animals                                                                                    
  • Direct questioning
  • Questioning techniques
  • Expanded questioning techniques
  • How do I build Rapport with an animal?
  • 5 Case study examples
  • Example flowchart of expanded questioning techniques
  • Case study of Munchy the cat
  • Case study of Alfie a border terrier including flow chart
  • Questions for a lost or missing pet. Includes 60 Examples

NB: If you can use a pendulum skilfully but cannot communicate with animals then these Ebook Guides are still a good foundational way of checking out why you are not able to communicate. You can see if you are missing anything?


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